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How to Contribute

isbnlib has a very small code base, so it is a good project to begin your adventure in open-source…

Main Steps

  1. Make sure you have a GitHub account
  2. Submit a ticket for your issue or idea, on GitHub issues (if possible wait for some feedback before any serious commitment… :)
  3. Fork the repository on GitHub
  4. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  5. Do your code… (remember the code must run on python 2.7, 3.5+ and be OS independent) (you will find very handy for this!)
  6. Write tests for your code using nose and put then in the directory isbnlib/test
  7. Pass all tests and with coverage > 90%. Check the coverage in Coveralls.
  8. Check if all requirements are fulfilled!
  9. Make a pull request on github…


If you don’t have experience in these issues, don’t be put off by these requirements, see them as a learning opportunity. Thanks!

For full instructions read the CONTRIBUTING doc.