Known Issues

  1. The meta method sometimes give a wrong result (this is due to errors on the chosen service), in alternative you could try one of the others services.
  2. The isbnlib works internally with unicode, however this doesn’t solve errors of lost information due to bad encode/decode at the origin!
  3. Periodically, agencies, issue new blocks of ISBNs. The range of these blocks is on a database that mask uses. So it could happen, if you have a version of isbnlib that is too old, mask doesn’t work for valid (recent) issued ISBNs. The solution? Update isbnlib often!
  4. Calls to metadata services are cached by default. You can change that by setting the cache to None, namely registry.set_cache(None).

Any issue that you would like to report, please do it at github or post a question on stackoverflow (with tag isbnlib).